International Symposium on Global South Studies 2024
DUE JUNE 12, 2024
August 19 – 22, 2024
Hybrid – Online & Nha Trang, Vietnam
Centralizing the South in the Global Context:
Troubling What’s Known & Re-imagining What’s Unknown
The Global South, for sociologists like Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, and Lester Frank Ward, is a social, cultural, and political concept that denotes a global divide drawing broad distinctions between advanced and primitive institutions and societies (Dados & Connell, 2012). The phrase Global South refers to the regions of Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. As a re-colonial discourse in social and sociological theory that defines geopolitical power relations, Global South is one of a family of terms, including “Periphery”, which implies regions outside Europe and North America, mostly (though not all) low-income and often politically or culturally marginalized.
This symposium theme asks the Global South Studies community to transcend normalized Eurocentric knowledge framed by Global North philosophies, theories, and praxes to discover unfamiliar perspectives and knowledges. We invite scholars and students, particularly those from the Global South, to submit research using interdisciplinary lenses and approaches in the arts, humanities, and social sciences to challenge Western-centric knowledge and knowledge systems to imagine boldly, creatively, and critically new ways of knowing and being. We encourage researchers to engage in global interdisciplinary dialogues and push traditional modes of inquiry and knowledge mobilization to advance research and serve the public good.
The international symposium will be co-organized by Thai Binh Duong University (TBD) and the Vietnamese Humanities & Social Sciences Association (VHSSA) in Nha Trang, with an online participation option.
Topics & areas of Global South Studies but are not limited to:
Theme 1: Histories, Theories, and Philosophies
- Foundational philosophies and theories of/within the Global South
- Historical moments and events that have shaped the Global South
- Gigantic religions, ideologies and traditional beliefs that inform common Global South onto-epistemologies and practices of living, being and becoming
- Traditional ways of teaching and learning v.s. globalization and neo-liberalization of education
Theme 2: Media, Peoples and Cultures
- AI, social media & digitalism
- The arts, languages and literature across cultures
- People and popular culture
- Ethnicity and identity
- Education & pedagogy in porous contexts of culture and media (i.e., social media and youth culture)
Theme 3: Emerging Trends and Innovations
- Current trends (research and praxis) in the Global South Studies
- Emerging contexts and constructs of the Global South (i.e., Inter-Asia, Global Asia)
- Globalization, (trans)nationalism, and neoliberalism that influence the scholarship of Global South studies
- The Global South from interdisciplinary perspectives
- The rise of new economic forces from the South
Theme 4: Social Movements
- Decolonial, postcolonial, and anti-colonial studies
- Social issues and social movements in the Global South in multiple settings (i.e., education, business and development, entrepreneurship, activism, etc.)
- Controversial topics in the Global South studies (i.e., gender and sexuality, conflicts and crises, environmental justice and sustainability)
- Governance, human security, and peacebuilding
Please submit your abstract proposal in the Word.docx file without any identifying information. All submissions will be evaluated through an anonymous review process. The file name should be your proposal title.
1. Regular Paper (30 minutes/each presentation). A paper is an individual paper with one or more co-authors.
Please submit an abstract of 300 words or fewer excluding references. Abstract uses APA 7th and must address the following six elements: (1) Objectives, (2) Perspective(s) or theoretical framework, (3) Methods of inquiry, (4) Data sources, (5) Results, and (6) scholarly significance of the research.
2. Roundtable (20 minutes/each presentation). A research roundtable is a moderated meeting that features 3-4 presentations on a topic of shared interest.
Please submit an abstract of 300 words for one presentation or fewer excluding references. Abstract uses APA 7th and must address the following six elements: (1) Objectives, (2) Perspective(s) or theoretical framework, (3) Methods of inquiry, (4) Data sources, (5) Results, and (6) scholarly significance of the research.
3. Workshop (45 minutes/each workshop). A workshop is facilitated by researchers as trainers to demonstrate an interactive and innovative initiative with hands-on activities that engage the audience in knowledge re/production, sharing, and transformation.
Please submit a description of 300 words or fewer excluding references. The description uses APA 7th and must address the following elements: (1) an overview of the topic, (2) purposes and objectives, (3) a plan for activities, (4) instructional techniques, (5) creativity and innovation, and (6) scholarly contributions.
- Extended deadline for proposals: June 12, 2024
- Notification of acceptance: June 20, 2024
- Participation registration (Early Bird): July 13, 2024
- Full paper submission: September 9, 2024
- Event dates: August 19 – 22, 2024
Please submit your abstract proposal by June 12, 2024 at 23:59 (GMT +7) to Symposium at Abstract Submission.
- The Symposium will be conducted entirely in English.
- The best papers will be reviewed to appear in a Special Issue of Vietnam Journal of Education and Policy Futures in Education [Special Issue Call for Papers]. Submitted articles must not have been previously published and are not pending review elsewhere.
- Please find details of participant fees in the Registration Fees section.
For any inquiries, please contact our email